Exploring the Ancient Greek Language and Culture

The Annual European Student Competition "Exploring the Ancient Greek Language and Culture" is an international competition held in Europe and in Mexico. It takes place yearly, and is to be considered among the most important high-school student competitions in classical languages held in Europe.



This competition is organised by the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, and more specifically the Directorate of International Relations in Education and the Pedagogical Institute. Co-organisators are the Hellenic Language Heritage, the Society of Greek Philologists,[1] the European Cultural Centre of Delphi,[2] the Organization for the Internationalization of the Greek Language[3] and the Pan-Hellenic Association of Teachers for the Greek Language and Civilization.[4]

Aims of the competition

The aim of the annual competition is the promotion of classical studies among those students of high schools in whole Europe where the Ancient Greek Language is taught. Furthermore, the organisators's intetion is to emphasize the importance of classical studies throughout the acquisition and the study of the Ancient Greek world, to highligh the “European dimension” of ancient times, to emphasize the ties between the everlasting ideas and values of classical antiquity with the fundamental values of European history and civilization, to promote the Ancient Greek language as a means of expressing humanitarian ideas and values, in an era, when classical studies in Europe are declining, and last but not least to strengthen the classical studies in European schools by exchanging experiences between students and teachers.[5] The participants of the competition are students of the third grade of Greek Lyceums in all European countries, except Greece and Cyprus, and students of the last grade of High schools in all European countries, equivalent to the last (3rd) grade of Greek High schools, except Greece and Cyprus, as well as those of Mexico.


The prizes are the following:


Jahr First place Second place Third place
2007 Matthias Bartl, Austria Sofija Hohnjec, Serbia Adrien Dieudonné, France


External links